The Half Corked Marathon, Oliver, B.C. was in its 3rd year, this was our first year attending. It sold out in THREE minutes online. We were lucky to get in and bought tickets for the wine and lunch after the event.
There were multiple heats (we were in the earliest heat of 8:30 am) I believe the heats were capped at 250 people. It was such an amazing and fun experience for both of us.
We did some "training" on the saturday wine tasting, so we felt prepared for the big race....
We did some "training" on the saturday wine tasting, so we felt prepared for the big race....
Everything was very organized, when we got our race packages they came in a little wine tote bag and a lovely special bottle of wine.
There was a pasta night, but unfortunately tickets were sold out and we couldn't go, BUT heard it was amazing.
The run was through many Wineries, stopping at a total of 11 for tastings.
There was very little road running, most was actually through the vineyards (so amazing) and back dirt roads.
This was an "Aid Station" at the Half Corked Marathon this past weekend at Silver Sage Winery.
It is the only race in Canada (presently...) that involves alcohol on its race course for running.
Although it is called the Half Corked, it is actually 18km. And is absolutely beautiful, organized, fun, and I will try and make it a yearly event for the rest of my running days (aka, till the end of time.)
The above photo was one of our favourite stations, it had food....cheese, crackers, freezies, strawberries, oranges....and a lovely Chardonnay... ha ha.
We loved the real glasses too.
The finish was fun, as you passed through you were handed a bowl of fruit, your medal which was a special "Half Corked" wine glass and some more drink tickets!!!
There was lunch, music, tents, wine tasting... just a great, great experience. We met loads of great people.
The Guilts....
As I was unable to attend our long run on sunday with the Knee Knacker group, I found my friend Cathy, whom just qualified for Boston (Yay Cathy) to adventure on a new trail with me.
The Diez Vistas.
This is located in Bunzten Lake, Port Moody. Such a beautiful little City and what a gorgeous view.
We had a great run and met a young hockey team all training the hills. There was one girl with them, she was a goal keeper and is a major contender to be part of the Canadian Woman's Hockey Team for the Olympics in Russia in the future. I enjoyed running down the mountain with her.
(It was more fun though to pass the young men hockey players that were puking from the hill training...)
Such a gorgeous view and a great way to spend a friday evening.