Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sometimes All You Need Is Fresh Socks....

Im not sure what it is that is different today then 3 days ago, maybe it is nothing...except a new piece of jewelry...or is it a medal? Im not sure, but I am working on a way to make a pendant out of it...

Saturday was every thing and more....It truly was. I have had bad runs. I have run with headaches, back aches, I have run through love lost, stress, through rain, snow,sun, flu, allergies...sore knees, bad feet, new shoes, chaiffing skin...
So I was prepared for anything. I really thought I was.

But nothing could make me understand the magnitude of what a day would be like running for more than four hours than I ever have in a race, a further distance than I have ever been, in the heat that we had and feeling healthy like I did on saturday...
This photo was at 4:30 am when I arrived in Deep Cove to catch the Shuttle to Horseshoe Bay.
I woke up at 3 am, quick shower and makeup (I know, I know...but it's how I roll...)

My heart still fills totally full of happiness from seeing my team mates on the day of, the kind notes from family and friends. Having family and some friends surprise me and show their faces or signs...
I can't even expain it.

Checking in.....
Given our last few instructions....
Two of my friends that I have trained with for one last photo before we each went on our own journey...

The volunteers were unbelievable. The spread at the 11 aid stations and encouragement, smiles, help...are all things that I ran off with thinking I hope I sounded grateful enough...

Never in my wildest dreams did I actually think I would eat the potatoes and salt and flat coke, gummies, chips, cookies...all en route....
But I did...
And it saved me. I just know it did.
I tried to really take it all in...the views, the positive spirit, the kindness, I tried to keep in a positive mental state...and I was successful at all of that, lucky me.

This Is BLACK MOUNTAIN unfriggen real....this is only a weeeeeee bit of it. there are tiny rocks, climbing rocks, running rocks, there is a very tiny photographer at the top of the hill looking dowwwwn... its a nutty hill...and I love it. ha ha

I love it because there is a surprise at the top waiting...and if you know me at all, you will know that I looooove surprises. The unexpected. Usually its a great story or a kind word or gesture...but today, it was a spectacular view...

                                                 My family came with smiles and signs...


My Patient fans...whether they liked it or not...at Cleveland Dam

I had a sock change at Cleveland Dam thanks to a reeeeeally kind person that took my shoes and socks off for me...which is much like childbirth....when all of your pride goes out the window and you just want to get it over with...who cares if you see my bunion...everyone look at it. See? Have a look...I don't care anymore... (Which reminds me, I need to treat myself to a pedicure)

As I was running many things crossed my mind...I had forgotten to turn the power on to my Garmin at the beginning of the run, so I just put it in my pack because I am a numbers gal, I like to know things. Calories, mileage, time, distance...but It was not going to happen, so I put it away and ran the race how it was naturally going to go...It all worked out. It was a milestone for me...as I don't ever run without my watch...but Im glad I did it.

Staying in a positive mind frame can be difficult. Its amazing how quickly you can spiral from fatigue and feeling dispair when you are sore or tired or just having a bad day...
I refused to let myself go there....it really is 90% mental. I think anyone is capable of doing this type of endurance if you can mentally keep fit.

When I made it to Cleveland Dam I changed my socks. My feet were wet, granted...but it was more a mental strategy to change my socks. It was that I was starting a new race. I had done half, in 04:14 so in order for my little squirrel brain to function at the capacity of what my day truly was going to be in distance and time; I decided that when I ran out with new socks half way through, it was like starting a new race.

Sometimes, in life...we need to do this. Whether it be in love, career, or a new level of anything that we are not sure of, frightened of...weary of...we need to put on fresh legs, because if we don't, we will always have lingering negative thoughts, expectations or excuses for not allowing us to experience or enjoy success when it is warranted.

Dont get me wrong, the journey was physically grewling and the parts I thought I would actually be good at I wasn't, but it really didn't matter. Because I knew I was going to finish.

Without my watch, with Coke and other crap in my belly...Knowing my children, parents, a few family and a couple of friends were waiting was the only stress I really had...
This is my 4 year old niece basically asking me what the hell took me so long....

Ah, Chelsea...you were totally right. But only in the perspective of the temperture outdoors reaching around 28 degrees....(sadly) 

A GREAT gift....Seriously, these are awesome...smell minty and fresh...an instant spa for your toes.
Oh, the simple pleasures....

Yahoo! Almost forgot to head up the hill to the massage table...So so so awesome. Thank you massage lady, you were amazing.
At the end of the day I felt like I had accomplished a few things. running 3 mountains and 30 miles, seeing my family and friends, enjoying the spectacular views and warmth of the volunteers, reaching a new level of so many achievements...along with not texting for a whole eight hours, fifty nine minutes and fifty one seconds...

Friday, July 13, 2012

And at the end of the day. I have to remember what my original goal was in my first Ultra Marathon...To Complete and NOT shit my pants.

This is my last entry before the race. Tomorrow is race day and to say it gently. Im totally overwhelmed with excitement, disbelief, anticipation, kindness of words from friends and others...It has been great.
But before I get into that, here are a few photos from the past few training sessions I enjoyed.

The four below are from the start of our taper...we started in Horseshoe Bay and ended up in Cleveland Dam.
I had heard about Black Mountain before, but not to date had experienced it.
I figured it would be challenging.
It was just that and then some.
Personally, never experincing "mountain climbing before (surprising for a Mountain Goat I know) welll, lets say it was Rock climbing...wish I had brought some rope and clips. Hopefully I will remember the helmet on race day...

 Here are a few of the lads with their fit little smiles at the top of Black Mountain. Supposibly a spectacular view should be seen from here they said...(I thought I was taking one :)
Oh, oh....this was the view they were talking about...hmmm. doesn't look like much does it.Wait until race day, should be worth the price of admissison....

Humble berry pie...well, I must say I was a weeeeeee bit disheartened by looking at my Garmin and seeing that at the Cleveland Dam I was at 04:23 hours. ugh, REALLY?
SERIOUSLY??? Half friggen way?

Ok, well after a quiet ride home pondering my own speed demond dispair I came to a theory...It was the steepness was something new, the snooooooooow felt like it went on for at least 40 minutes (I think) Pret-ty sure...
So, come race day; hopefully I can shave a few minutes off...hopefully....

Our Unofficial last Wednesday run was from Cleveland Dam (the half way mark) to Lower Cypress look out.
What a spectacular prize indeed. Had to push over a bus full of cannon cameras to get in there for a shot, but totally worth the wait.

View of Vancouver and as far as the eye can see.

Our last Sunday Official Training run was Lynn Valley To Deep Cove. We ran accross the Lynn Valley Suspension Bridge (Which isn't on the Official Route; but a very fun way to start a day)

 As ususal I enjoyed the company of various new friends I have met along my little mountain goat journey.  It was a short little run, only the last quarter. Which, was done for me in 01:43 hours. Light and fresh.. A great way to finish...

This is a photo of what a typical training run looks like as we all meet in the beginning.
(see how clean everyone is?) Amazing!
We have had some great people guiding us through instruction (even if I do tend to get lost...It isn't like they don't actually explain it...just that I don't RETAIN it...)

Here we are. Big smiles and enjoying another beautiful finish...Hope I can look this fresh on race day.

WHICH happens to be in hours....

 Well, here are my final thougths....
Last night, I was telling the kids that I would see them at the race as my fantastic family is taking care of them after camp today until I see them at a few of the stops along the way tomorrow.
I said so I figure we should assign Mountains. What do you think?
They agreed but couldn't decide on whom should be which mountain.
This morning I was driving them to camp, en route to my job (as I haven't won the lottery yet) and said I think we should have Sophie be Cypress, as she was first born. I will be Grouse as I seem to need to stay neutral and you guys usually put me in the middle anyway. And Rowen, my little guy...you can be Mount Seymour. Because Im going to need you to get me through that last leg...

Sophie then said "So wait, are you giving me the toughest part?" I said yep.
She then sat for a moment in the back seat, and in true Sophie form piped up and said,
"Is that because I put up with listening to all of your running stories? And when you are done talking about running, you talk about it a little more and I always listen?"
I burst out laughing and gave her a sympathetic sigh with an apology attached. Yes Soph. And I am sorry about that.

I have ask the kids to try and meet me on the pavement before I run through the finish. Because it wouldn't be right doing it with out them.

The reason I run and share is not to boast. It is to encourage, enlighten, hopefully educate and show passion. I am new at this so sure, maybe thats part of it...but when you love something, you want everyone to love it because you love them and want them to feel as happy as you do.

The lessons along my training part of the journey have actually been endless and priceless...
but a few of them are:
Be good to yourself
Ask for help if you need it.
Live a passionate life.
Everyone has a story worth listening to.
I love my family and friends.
I have more goals to come.
Anything is possible.
Be a good person and if there is a way to do it, then you should do it.
If someone were to ask you at a coctail party that you have never even met "What is YOUR passion?" What would you say?
Can you answer it?
I dont think I had one for a few years. Maybe even longer than that...

It doesn't have to be running...it can be education, or sailing or reading...but do you even know what it is? Many of us loose it. Or never dig to find it.
Now that I have tasted it, I crave more. We all deserve it.

There is no manual for parenting. Well, okay...there are many actually...but Im not a big reader so I would rather show them that dreams are unimplimented goals. Goals can be achieved with work and passion and that with guidance I hope that one day they will achieve what ever their heart desires.

Thanks for reading my blog thus far.
Thanks for anyone that has helped me through any of my journey...babysitting, or whatever...
I wish fora really great race tomorrow, feeling in great mentally and physically...That I remember to take it all in, enjoy the fantastic volunteeers and the beautiful viewswithout soiling my pants. Because at the end of the day, that was my original goal. To finish without shitting my pants.