Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lesson 7: What goes down must go UP FIRST....

Im not sure why it didn't even cross my mind that the runs would become more and more technical, but apparently it is something I should mentally prepare myself for each week.
Therefore: Lesson 7 It is NOT going to get easier....

We started in the parking lot of the Cleveland Dam and RAN up the pavement to the start of the Grouse Grind which was a good 1.5k away...where we hopped on the trail. This was a very steep trail we did, It was extreme compared to last week. In fact to me, last week was a cake-walk in comparison.

More often than not it seemed I was climbing using my hands to get up, up, up...I have been wearing gloves which are so great for this kind of sport.
Many climbing obstacles this week LOTS like... literally rolling my body over trees to get back on the path and lots of edges...Yikes!

I was reminded again of the importance of staying tight in a group. I have picked up on the way they roll here...basically, if the person in front of you starts running, you better pick up your heels or you are going to loose them.

The training started off dry, but about half way through boy oh boy did the sky open up. The rain was incredible. But the sound of the rain in the trails with the sound of nothing but pitter-patters, panting and raindrops is truly something you can only experience to appreciate.

Last nights run was very special as my friend Chelsea (who is training for Ironman this year) came for the "Experience" although she did run by me at one point with a dirty look and say "You are @*%#ing crazy"  by the time she was done, dusted, showered and had a little beauty rest...she wrote me a nice email today saying how great it was. I knew she would love it...I just knew it.

Everyone is so helpful and friendly, they were helping my friend with some technique ideas and just so encouraging. I greatly appreciated the welcome hand.

Some people consider Running an individual sport. I guess it is in many ways. But there is a very special bond amongst people in general that run. An understanding. They are just happy to be there. And to be honest, I have never met a bitter, nasty or negative runner and I don't think I ever will.
It is very rewarding to do something that you really love, appreciate, where you can encourage, be encouraged, learn from, teach and achieve...

First Trail Run for my mate. 11km, 2000 vertical incline and decent.

Not the best picture, I was trying to run and use my phone camera...but you get the drift.

If you ever have the opportunity to join something you have an interest in, then you should do it. I'm serious. Sure it is a bit out of the box to sign up for something that you don't know anything about or aren't particular good at, but who cares? We sign our kids up for stuff all the time with kids they don't know....what is your excuse? If you want to do something, go for it. Whatever it is.

One super awesome thing I found this week were biodegradable baby wipes. Halafreakinlula. I can sleep now knowing that I have back up (ha ha) if needed.

By the time I rolled in my driveway it was 9 pm. I was freezing, muddy, soaked and just totally bagged. I pealed off my gear and hopped in the hot shower, shook off my shoes, placed my high heels back in their home from work that day, painted my toes to hide the brused ones and slipped into bed. I was very happy.

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