Tuesday, June 26, 2012

With A Little Organization, You CAN Do It All...

It has been a busy time FOR SURE. But managing for the most part to do my training and live a balanced life.  It isn't easy, but definitley worth a try. (Besides the obvious lack of zzzz's, raising two brilliant children, and working full-time....)

I had the opportunity to go to Brian Adams (Good ol' Canadian Boy) even though it was on the eve of a long training day. Of course, with a little organization of preparing fuel, outfit and hopefully getting home early I convinced myself it was a good move...(which clearly didn't happen - thanks to the girl puking on the train beside us, the door breaking and oh, getting on the wrong train)
Slipped into my bunk at 12:59am..grrrrrr managed to get in a few hours which was going to have to be enough for a long run.

Here is a photo of the "football" type terrain that I have previously mentioned. It is like a dance to get through.

I am so glad I didn't talk myself out of not participating on the run (Even though I would love a lay in!!!  A wise woman once said....sleep when your dead. Yes - that was you Brenda who said that in grade 9 at a party to me before you had 4 children in diapers... but I still think about it all the time). 
AMAZING day for me...

We parked at Deep Cove for our 7:30 kick off and shuttled out to the Picnic Area of Cypress. (Please note I was watching the clock in the car and we arrived at 8:05 meaning that we were driving for TWENTY FIVE MINUTES!!! So we could run back to our cars.
Hahahahahaa....This is going to be f.u.n.

I was quiet driving up Cypress in the backseat looking at all the little tight bums riding their bikes up the hill. Yep, they are doing it...lets go. Let's getter done.

This happened to be a crazy wet and muddy run, but thats ok, because the following weekend I would be in Whistler doing the Tough Mudder in lou of my long run, so I just had fun with it.

As usual, I took the wrong way multiple times, but really, its not my fault. (My mother was also born without navigational skills.)  It is just the way we roll...

There were a couple of highlights for me. But the number one by far this week was seeing signs for CYPRESS, GROUSE and SEYMOUR Mountains, and not because I was in a car...but because my little mountain goat legs were moving across it all!!!!

I had  great running pal, someone new. Interesting gal, a previous Knee Knacker so she had a few good tips. (I love tips) Although we ran together, we were both stronger in different areas, hers was clearly climbing the hills. Wow, she could move. My strength seems to be downhill and holding my own on the steady. So we usually ended up somewhere together. Which was comforting.

She ended up leaving me on the Seymour Grind, man that is A Bitch (oops, no, not her...the actual hill - had to clarify that edit) . I told her just to go. I took my time getting up it. Entertaining myself with mathmatical questions.

You should try it...when you are doing something physically exhausting for a period of time, try and figure out some math, even simple addition and subtraction is very difficult. (ok, yes...my grade 8 math teacher would laugh his little face off at that as I was always poor in math) but it is true.

My treat was to get to the top of the grind and lay down to stretch my aching back. Holy man it was sore. I got there and immediately laid down. Stretching side to side. Still had my jet pack on my back. I was in a "Who Cares?" kinda space.
Then I laid on my back (awkwardly, as my pack was still on) and opened my eyes. I could see my breath. Hooooooooh..Hoooooooh....Watching it float up. I could hear the water trickling, the air was so fresh and cool.  The trees are so tall and beautiful.  They just go on forever...looking into the tops. On my back...It too was a great moment.  I thought I should get up. Getter done. Felt fresh...I rolled to one side to do just that when I noticed a Black Diamond mountain bike trail. It was called "Severed Dick"  I had a big grin, but was too tired and honestly, it was just too beautiful to make a human sound, but I did see the humour in it.

I had lots of energy to finish my last few km. Felt fresh. Like I was starting over.  Got to Deep Cove, walked straight into the water. Paddled about for a few and went home.

To participate in the Knee Knacker you must obviously have your name drawn in the Lottery but you also must do one of 3 things.
You must 1. Do a minimum of 4 hours of Trail work on the trail to help maintain the trail
                2. Do a minimum of community service
OR          3. Fund Raise a minimum of $100. for North Shore Search and Rescue.

Unfortunatley I was already signed up for the Tough Mudder on the Maintanence day, so I wanted to submit my hours of community service and hopefully be abl to fundraise a little cashola too.

I was not planning on doing any major events after the knee knacker this year, but you know thats not how I roll if the right thing comes up. - Love a  POSITIVE challange.

I contacted a phenominal lady that I did some service for/with at Christmas, as I didn't have the kiddies that am, and I didn't know what to do with myself.  I decided to make the most of it and do something that  have always thought of doing, but haven't to this point implimented...helping/contributing my time at a Christmas dinner for the less fortunate. She was more than helpful in making me feel welcome contributing.

When I arrived, I was overwhelmed by the number of volunteers there that early. From all walks of life. Many (in my own opinion) did not look like they had a lot coming to them this year themselves.  Their spirits were amazing and I really am glad I went.  The woman in charge, whom I had met via email, was just as organized and vibrant in person. At 9 am she was fully dolled up, hair, make up and pretty suit on.

I emailed her 2 weeks ago, so I could use her as a reference for my credit of hours there. I reminded her of who I was and why I might need her as a reference. I also sent her this, my blog.

When I received her response I could not stop smiling.
She told me that she would like to participate "some how" in the Surrey Marathon this coming September.
I immediately responded I will help you. What do you need? Can I push you?

She is physically unable to RUN this herself, Yet she CAN do it.

We have to figure out some logistical things, but it will happen, and I can't wait.  Very excited to see this happen.

I told her I will do it OR get a series of Hot Firemen to keep her company, up to her, she will get this done....

Every ONE of us can complete a goal if we are a little organized, accept a hand or even ask for one when we need it. I have. I do every week so I can go and make my goal come true. Sometimes I have negative comments said to me about doing this for me...taking time for me etc. But I can tell you this. I am a better mother and person for finding a way to accomplish my own goals. I tell my children all the time that the world is theirs. That they can do it, that they can make anything happen with determination, drive, and passion. So, Its something that I am getting a thicker skin, though it hurts sometimes, bottom line is that I am a happy person and ultimately bring that home to my kiddies...

So, we are super excited about this new goal, to make someone else's goal happen.

This last run I missed unfortunately, which Im not happy about, but did do Tough Mudder with some fantastic friends and even a few new ones.
Tough Mudder is a 10 -12 mile, 25 obstacle event (not a race) designed by the British Forces and....for the first time in Canada, came to our own beautiful Whistler, BC. My favorite part of the day was watching my friends accomplish something great. One had never in her life been part of any kind of "race" not that mudder is a race, but you get the idea...She lost 15 pounds training for it.  And is now aiming to do her first half marathon.  Super proud.
We all had a blast, and helped eachother with the parts that we needed help with. The whole purpose of the Tough Mudder.

Here are a few fun snaps.
Clean and Shiny for our 9:30 heat.

Not so strong on the Monkey Bars....went for a little dip thanks to a bum shoulder and well, no other upper body strength....
The Mudder Fudders

I think I realized doing this that I am ready for the Knee Knacker.  Yes, I still have some distance that I haven't yet reached and yes, I still have some of the major parts of the trail that I have not yet touched, but I am ready.  17 Sleeps to go!!!!

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