Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Half Corked Marathon and Diez Vista Trail

The Half Corked Marathon, Oliver, B.C.  was in its 3rd year, this was our first year attending. It sold out in THREE minutes online. We were lucky to get in and bought tickets for the wine and lunch after the event.
There were multiple heats (we were in the earliest heat of 8:30 am) I believe the heats were capped at 250 people. It was such an amazing and fun experience for both of us.
We did some "training" on the saturday wine tasting, so we felt prepared for the big race....
Everything was very organized, when we got our race packages they came in a little wine tote bag and a lovely special bottle of wine.
There was a pasta night, but unfortunately tickets were sold out and we couldn't go, BUT heard it was amazing.

The run was through many Wineries, stopping at a total of 11 for tastings.
There was very little road running, most was actually through the vineyards (so amazing) and back dirt roads.
This was an "Aid Station" at the Half Corked Marathon this past weekend at Silver Sage Winery.

It is the only race in Canada (presently...) that involves alcohol on its race course for running.
Although it is called the Half Corked, it is actually 18km. And is absolutely beautiful, organized, fun, and I will try and make it a yearly event for the rest of my running days (aka, till the end of time.)
The above photo was one of our favourite stations, it had food....cheese, crackers, freezies, strawberries, oranges....and a lovely Chardonnay... ha ha.
We loved the real glasses too.

This was our first "Aid" station, we couldn't get over how great it was, we did have a system, shot of water, then a glass of wine...our previous experience as wine-o's has finally paid off, our parents just must be so proud!

The finish was fun, as you passed through you were handed a bowl of fruit, your medal which was a special "Half Corked" wine glass and some more drink tickets!!!
There was lunch, music, tents, wine tasting... just a great, great experience. We met loads of great people.

The Guilts....

As I was unable to attend our long run on sunday with the Knee Knacker group, I found my friend Cathy, whom just qualified for Boston (Yay Cathy) to adventure on a new trail with me.
The Diez Vistas.
This is located in Bunzten Lake, Port Moody. Such a beautiful little City and what a gorgeous view.
We had a great run and met a young hockey team all training the hills. There was one girl with them, she was a goal keeper and is a major contender to be part of the Canadian Woman's Hockey Team for the Olympics in Russia in the future. I enjoyed running down the mountain with her.
(It was more fun though to pass the young men hockey players that were puking from the hill training...)
Such a gorgeous view and a great way to spend a friday evening.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Comrades, Lessons, Rewards And Never-ending Hunger

This was a very fun week of training. Wednesday at training we did the BCMC trail which runs near the Grouse Grind. It is quite spectacular to be on actually, the steepness of it won't even let you stand totally straight for most of the trek, as you might fall backwards if you do (or on your belly forwards).
My legs and back are getting stronger each time out with this amazing group that does not ever seem to stop moving their legs.
I know what gets me through it is just the pure beauty, the fact that I want to be here to learn and become better and above all the stories that emerge on these trains. There is a lot of laughter and funny stories to be told.

Nearer the top (as in the last 10-15 minutes) it became very snowy. It was really fun to see and be apart of. Please keep in mind, Im using my phone camera, so they non of these views are done justice.
The sounds of water in a constant trickle as it is melting off the mountain, the sound of Grouse (which I have yet to see) and the pittering of toes on the snow slushing or crushing through, or running over rocks or mud or dirt or roots...is very rewarding.

Today my rewards were the view of running through snow and feeling the heat of the sun hit my back near the top of Grouse Mountain.

Some ran down, some took the tram down to save their knees. I went back down by foot to work on my technique. (I need all the practice I can get to keep up with these people)

So the HUNGER has set in. Oh boy!
I have been famished, and I feel greedy saying that because I know damn well I eat more than many. But for me, a city girl with access to whatever she wants at her disposal food wise in Canada...I am starving!!!

Typically, I will have a Shake for my breakfast with a banana, little almond butter, skim milk and Visalus.Vega also has a great shake that I use too. It usually does the trick...but not anymore. I could eat the paper off my desk by 9 am.
So, I have just started adding a product called "HOLY CRAP" it is very scruptious. Full of seeds and all sorts of birdy type stuff....I think it is helping...regardless it is adding some more calories to me in the am and a little extra flavor. There are lots of ways to eat it, add it to yogurt or whatever suits you... give it a go. It is made on Salt Spring Island and is Vegan, also it is Super healthy and was on the TV show "Dragon's Den" You can find it at Save on or Thrifty's, or online. (Plus, I love the name)

Sunday's train was so great. Not because of the 7km run UP a damn road (Mountain Hwy) that was grewling. No fun. Thought it would never end...But the fact that everything else happened the way it did.

I got there just before 8 (left home at 7) parked, potty and walked over to the group of clean faces wearing their "jet packs" in the parking lot. I have noticed what I thought to be a familiar face to me. Finally, I had the opportunity to ask this man If I knew him. He said he knew me too...after about 3 questions we figured out we use to work for the same Brokerage house back in the 90's. I was so happy by the end of this run that I had finally asked him.

We took off up the trail of steep terrain. Man, it was steep, but I am getting use to it and even starting to recognize certain rocks and trees...funny, as I can get lost in a shopping mall with more than one corridore. (Progress)
He was behind me and we didn't take long to start talking about life, lessons, work, family, locations...oh and pretty much anything you can think of over 18km. When training I never assume I will be with the same person or people each time, as every day you feel different (physically), but I have found a few "friends" that I seem to always see for a step or two which I thoroughly enjoy.

When we were on the looooong road up to the top of Grouse (did I mention 7km of incline, mind-numbing gravel road?)

About 5km up the road we saw something that was the "Reward of the day" a Grouse!
Here is a close up...and then my silly picture.
They are so beautiful! He had his feathers fanned out, truly magnificent and make a very pretty sound.
This is where we found another runner, whom I met at a race back in the fall. I was so happy to see that she made the Knee Knacker too. Although I didn't really know her at the time, I totally enjoyed the Phantom race because of her and knew we would end up friends. She was behind us when we saw the Grouse.
As usual, Curiosity had the better of me and I was creeping around trying to take a photo of the bird when She yells out "Is there a bear?"  I laughed after saying do you think I would be trying to catch up with a bear?
Clearly she has me figured out already, as she said that she wouldn't put it passed me; I am curious...

As it started to get colder, my old co-mate started to tell us an amazing story about an Ultra Marathon that he did in South Africa.  This race is called the Comrades Marathon.
It is a 52 Mile; 90km foot run along the roads.
It was established in 1886 by a South Africa War Vetran named Vic Clapham whom wanted to honour his Comrades by remembering and honouring them in a unique way where a person's physical frailties could be overcome.  Where the pains, agonies, death and hardships of his Comrades which he witnessed during these awful days left a lasting impression on the battle-hardened Solider.  Especially the camaraderie endangered among the men in these privations.

Thus, he started a marathon. An Ultra. In 1886.  In 1925 the first woman ran it, In 1975 it became open to all races.

Please keep in mind when I tell this story, that this race is about being a team player...
30 odd years ago my new friend was running this race with his friend. There was also a gentleman that he knew that was racing. This particular man was the head master of his son's school. Thus the knew eachother. The head master was very competative, always had to finish first. Every time there was a run, he had to be first.
On Race day, my new friend and his mate were running along. They see the Head Master on the side of the road, he was obviously in extreme agony and had over done it too early in the race. There were still more than 30km to go. He was just about to get into a van to shuttle him back to the start and succome to a "DNF" (did not finish)
The two men stopped and talked to him. He told them that he was spent, totally done. Couldn't go on, that he was quiting. They knew the Head Masters mental state was something that he was not use to experiencing. They encouraged him to not get in the vehicle, yet they would walk with him for a km and see how he felt.
After the km, they tried jogging with him, then they walked again, then they tried running, then walked again, then they did this over and over again..the two GENTLEMEN truly proved the point of this race by sticking by their fallen solider.  When there was less than a km to the finish line in site the most unimaginable thing happened ( you won't believe this). The Head Master took off like a shot and left the two in his dust by finishing first before them.
The two looked at eachother and said "what the f#$% just happed?
30 years later and he still can't believe it.
I don't blame him.  I will never forget this story. It is truly amazing.
I wonder if the Head Master ever did regret his decision to leave the men that day. Or if he even thought twice about it. What a shame.
My new friend did say though that when they got to the finish, the Head Master did say, "I beat you!"

The race this year is June 2, 2012 in South Africa.

As we reached the end of our run we literally ran (ok, walked) across a ski run with skiiers and snowboarders blazing by. It was so much fun, we stopped to take it all in.
It was awesome.

Monday, May 14, 2012

I Think That I Actually Met A Fairy God Mother.

It was a fun physical week.  Starting to step-it-up which I knew was going to happen, and totally ready for it. Saturday was the Spartan Race; bit of a warm up for our Tough Mudder coming up soon. It was only a 5km obstacle race, but was really fun, and got to do lots of different things (climbing 10' wall, crawling under barbed wire through mud, rock wall, running, carrying rocks, balance beam, blah-blah-blah. My sister-in-law could have kicked my butt, but she didn't. (Maybe because I was her ride home)

Sunday was my first "Official Run" with the gang. There were about 60 people in the Grouse Parking lot for 8am. Lots of new faces (ok, they are all new to me...but many I had not seen at any of the "unofficial runs")
If you can imagine what a fit little Fairy God Mother looks like with running gear and a long blonde ponytail, well then...I actually met her. The Sweetest little lady was organizing the run and was just so lovely. I can't explain her. Besides the fact that she made anyone NEW stick there hands up (numerous times) Yes...I did feel like a sore thumb; but I was grateful, as it did actually help.

She told all the runner that knew the trail to look out for "these people...keep them on track".
It helped, I know this because I felt like there was some special effort made to us newbies from those kind enough to share advice or keep an eye on us. I did get off trail 3 times. Even if it is just a few feet up or down, it is amazing how quickly it can happen and how easy it is to loose the markers.
One lady "The Teacher" was just awesome. She was exactly that. Wouldn't pass me; just on my tail talking to me telling me what to do; or not too; look up...find the "BP Triangle" on the trees...look at your feet, now look up, do you see it?
She was great. I learned a lot from her.

My next buddy was from somewhere far away, he is on a Visa; met a great Canadian gal treking where Orienteering is the way they trail race. No race is less than 10 hours! He was great. We ran about 12 km together. He loves it here and made me feel very proud to have this in our own back yard. I could see that he would love to stay in Canada and I hope it works out for him. For now he is a Knee Knacker. What a great thing to experience in B.C.

My only real lesson this week was that I need to take better care of my feet!
So Lesson 10: Keep your toenails super-duper (Yes, I just said super-duper) short. Ouch.
Bruised. Likely going to loose one or two for sure. (Great, just in time for pedicure season)

I love my new Jet Pack too. Ooooh, it is awesome. Had my Vega sport in the bladder and some sport beans to get me through.
It was 17km paced trail run and took me 03:38. Im sure that I was a slow one, but thats ok. Im out there and enjoying it tremendously.

I had a shake before my run for my breakie and had a frozen one defrosting in my car (which was perfect by the time I made it back to the car) Felt great, other than the toes.

Lucky me, came home to homemade Mother's day cards and a great friend that helped mind the kiddies while I was gone.
It is an interesting situation; I know all parents feel it...GUILT. Believe me I am one of them.
But I also believe that (and as I explained to the kiddies and have done so before) how I want them to have passion,  give 100 percent to achieve their goals and do what ever activity makes them happy.
Just because I am a Mum, does not mean that my dreams can no longer be achieved.  Infact,  I hope that they are learning from my "way of making it happen" that they can use it as a tool for their lives. I will always make sure they are cared for, support them and help them where and when I can, but expect the same of myself.

It was a great weekend.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

And Why Wouldn't You Run Through The Snow On A Mountain?

This weeks "unofficial run" was a lot of fun. It was a beautiful sunny day in Vancouver and I couldn't wait to get to the Mountain.  I was trying out my new hydration back pack which is friggen phenominal FYI.
Love it.
Once again, Salomon has done a great job thinking this one up.
It is light, super flexible (expands with your breathing but lets you move and stays snug to you all the while)
It is a pricy little number, but considering it has so many pockets for your food, phone, oh and lets be honest lipstick and biodegradable wipes) its a winner!
The great thing about hydration packs is that your hands are still free, and you basically drink through a straw that is attached to your back. (LAZY or what???)

                                                Salomon S Series of Hydration - Super happy with it.
Im starting to recognize a few happy faces, and figure out where I seem to fit in the mix of runners with a similar pace. 

We elevated fairly high and there was a lot of mud and snow (Infact, it actually snowed for a few minutes while we were running) . The snow was pretty fun to run through, just because it looked so cool. I did take a photo with my phone but it was totally blurred... I managed to find every deep pocket of mud and it became a bit of a joke to the other runners as they were basically just stepping where I was NOT. 

I had gone to Kickboxing the night before,  felt fine until I was climbing. Holy man! Im sore today. Second day is always worse isn't it?  Funny enough, High heels are the cure. Maybe I should start stretching??? (Now there is a new idea...)

01:56 for 12km Looks like approx 2300 feet in elevation.

This is my first big week of training for the Knee Knacker. Kickboxing and of course these practice runs, this sunday is my first bigger run with the group which should run about 4 hours It is an "Official Run" and I am very much looking forward to it.

Saturday is the SPARTAN race, which is a fun workout (with a beer garden) perfect!
As much as I like to follow the rules about training and becoming a smarter, better, and more efficient runner my primary purpose is to have fun. Im doing a great job so far.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lesson 9: Inspiration and education can go along way

Last night I had the opportunity to go to the West Vancouver Salomon Store with 29 others to listen to 2 amazing athletes, both had lots to offer in the means of inspiration and lessons, tips, all that good stuff on trail running.
One of the things that Adam Campbell (Adam is one of the very fastest long distance trail runners in the world) said, is that he goes to win. I was surprised that he said that . Not sure why. Maybe because I just never have thought that way; but it made me smile. I have a different perspective on running all of a sudden. I am still trying to digest what that means to me, and where I would impliment this into my goal, but it is something that I have never thought of. "Just finish; do it without any major injuries or tummy aches...." That's it.
That has been my goal.
My best half marathon race pb (personal best) was 1:58. I think Adams best pb full marathon was about 20 minutes more than what I did for half the distance.
Im still smiling and shaking my head on that fact alone, but totally inspired.
Tom Craik, whom also represents Salomon is too an exceptional athelete. Both men were so humbling in their stories. Just lapped it all up.

Really glad they took the time to speak to us; really glad I stepped up to the opportunity.
I heard great advice on running gear including shoes, clothing, packs, fuel etc..

I also had the honor of meeting the author and getting some great tips in my signed copy of this great trail running book. The book is beautiful, full of photos, detailed maps and tips on how to, where to, how far, how high...etc.
It also has a coupon in the book that you can submit for a FREE race in the 5 peaks trail running series.
A well worth buy and read.